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Published Writing...

Check out these wonderful sites featuring articles written by Kathleen Knapp 




"​Coffee with Kathleen" is now being featured quarterly in an online magazine created by Tracee Lee Padilla. ​


Unveiled Living E-Magazine - Feature Writer â€‹


July ​2024 - "Surrender to the Rain" 

April 2024 - "Betrayed By A Friend But Redeemed" 

January 2024 - "Guarding Your Mind"

Fall 2023 - "Weeping in Walmart"​

August 2023 - "So This is 60!"  â€‹

Apri 2023 -"Choosing Joy"

October 2022 - "Hope In The Darkness"


"When we deeply connect with other women, we discover we are not alone in our journey.

Through our shared experiences, we become stronger when we stand together in Christ.

Living in the authenticity God has called and created us to live Unveiled."

Editor - Tracee Lee Padilla



Unveiled Living Magazine
The Round Farmhouse Ministries

The Round Farmhouse Ministries - FB Group

The Round Farmhouse Ministries are Modern-day women with ordinary lives,
seeking Christ around their everyday struggles.

1. May 19, 2023
The "Mother's Day" My article titled "Being a Mother is a Tough Job"
is based on The Syrophonecian Woman in Mark 7: 25-30.​

2. July 19, 2023  
"The Lyrics of Life" with the theme of Psalm scripture and song lyrics impacting our daily lives.
My article titled "God's Presence is with you Wherever You Go"
is based on the death of my son through Psalm 139 and the song "The Blessing."​

3. August 23, 2023
"Pursuing Proverbs" with the daily theme of a Proverb corresponding to that day.  
I was assigned Proverbs 23.19, 2023
My article titled "Embracing Wisdom: A Journey of Humilty and Growth" is based on Proverbs 23:12
"Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge."

4. June 10, 2024
Lyrics of Life - A Journey Through the Psalms series
My article "Majesty" 
Describes the journey of life being like a drive through the Rocky Mountains. 

5. July 4, 2024 

Coffee & Convictions: My Article "Am I There Yet?"
Life is like a road trip. I am usually so focused on today, tomorrow, and other plans that I forget to stop, pause, and reflect on the wonderful things God has done in my life. He has done miracles in my life and the lives of my family. But sometimes, I must stop and look back to see how far I’ve come!


6. August 30, 2024

"Taking Shelter From the Storm" 

Pursuing Proverbs - Proverbs 30

Like the coffee shop sheltering us from the storm, God is a shield and protector from the storms of life. He makes many promises in his word, and we can trust him to fulfill those promises.


Girl Read Your Bible Study Group


The Girl Read Your Bible Study Group
FB Group

The Girl Read Your Bible Study Group  serves as a divine avenue through which God's love is shared.

1. June 20, 2024
"God is My Helper"
"We are not alone in our trials; our relationship with God comforts and restores us."

2. July 9, 2024 

"The Freedom of Grace"
"God asks us to lean into, depend on, trust, and run to Him when we mess up!"


3. August 5, 2024

"Seeking God in the Berry Patch"

We can glance at our Bible and sweep past our verse of the day, but we find genuine treasure when we dive into its pages.

The Writer's Life Planning Guide - 2024

"July 2024" (page 134)


"This practical guide teaches you to plan in 90-day segments as you clarify your vision, set realistic goals, take action, and review progress, so you’re never overwhelmed. With monthly letters of encouragement, inspirational quotes, and The Writer’s Block Remedy Kit, you’ll get organized and take action with confidence."


Written by Mindy Kiker and Jennifer Kochert the founders of the Flourish Writers Academy. 


I am pleased to be one of the authors contributing to this wonderful planning guide. You can see my entry in the month of July. 




21 Days of Prayer - A Guided Journal Through Prayer - 2024​

January 2024​"Trust and Release in Prayer."


​"This booklet is designed to encourage and help you bring prayer into your daily life for 21 days.

When you discover the power of daily conversation with Him, you'll experience the presence of God that will change your life. "

Pastor Dan Goddard - Victory Church Moose Jaw, SK, Canada ​


Written with contributions from the congregation, I am honoured to be the Day One Devotion.​


You can download the PDF file here​​

E-Book: Pockets of Peace:

21 days of scripture to help focus your mind

and calm your heart

By Nicole Suvar


September 2023​

"Conquering the Fears in My Dreams" 


A compilation of wisdom from women who know anxiety firsthand from 21 contributing authors.

Each contributing writer has grappled with anxiety and has given us an example of a verse that is a pocket of peace that they have found within God’s word.​​


​ Christian Author & Blogger

Guest Blog - Jordan Crossings

April 2023

"Grief is Not a Competition."​


Megan Jean, the author of Jordan Crossings Website,

had this to say:


​"Today I am welcoming Kathleen Knapp Writer as a guest on my blog. Kathleen is no stranger to grief.

However, she chooses to lean on God and use her experiences with grief to help others. I have confidence that what she has to say will speak to your heart."​


Guest Blog - From Broken to Beloved

August 2022
"Did you know that God sings over you?"

Patricia Doucet author of
"From Broken to Beloved"
had this to say about the article: 

​"I hope you will be blessed by this guest post from the website of my ministry and writer friend, Kathleen Knapp." 

aa150a_c921b9f43c064860a020a42fb5acbeb2~mv2_edited.jpg Christian Author & Blogger

Guest Blog - Her Reflection​
Tricia has honoured me by sharing two  blog posts
on her FB page: 

1. September 2022 
"Do You Know God Sings Over You"

2. November 2022
"I Can't Do This Anymore!"

​Here is what author Tricia Clark had to say: "I love sharing posts and blogs from other writers, so today I’m sharing a beautiful piece by
Be sure to check out and sign up for her emails so you never have to miss her other inspiring articles, you will be blessed for sure!" and "I think all of us can relate on some level, agree?"

Compel Training - Instagram

May 2023

"When words are few, God Inspires"


Compel Training is a division of Proverbs 31 Ministries to teach and encourage writers.

They have regular challenges to which members can submit. 


For this Challenge I was one of the participants selected to be published amongst hundreds of submissions.​

I wrote about "Imposter Syndrome" titled.

​If any of you readers are also writers,

you may be interested in checking it out!

Compel Pro Training for Writers
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