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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Choose Joy

Today I found a colourful chalk hopscotch scribbled on the sidewalk on my walk to the gym.

So ~ I hopped!

Now, I don’t hop like I used to, so it wasn’t pretty! But I did it.

And it made me smile.

Yesterday a little person took the time to draw a hopscotch, some happy faces, and a “Be Happy” salutation on the sidewalk as a reflection of their joy.

And because I was on that sidewalk, I was now sharing in that joy.

A little further down the road was a beautiful, red, blooming peony flower hanging over a fence.

So ~ I stopped and smelled it.

I looked into the deep red colour and appreciated God’s masterpiece of nature.

And it made me smile.

It was a beautiful, sunny, summer morning with the birds chirping and flowers swaying in the breeze. A beautiful day to walk in the sunshine and appreciate how wonderfully my body is made and how well it works.

And it made me smile.

Some days I need little reminders to ‘choose joy’ instead of grumbling over my aches and pains. I’ll receive that today. Thank you!

“I will give thanks and praise to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14 AMP

Do you have troubles? Sorrows? Grief? I do. I think we all do.

Sometimes the weight of the world seems too much to bear.

Sometimes my body doesn’t work well and is stiff and sore.

Sometimes things don’t work out the way I want them to.

Sometimes life just isn’t fair.

Sometimes the grief of my son’s death waves over me and I struggle not to break down and cry.

It is easy to become caught up in complaining instead of counting our blessings with gratitude and joy. Yes, joy.

“A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

Today, I am grateful for my health, the breath in my lungs, my five senses, and my mind. I am grateful for the sun, flowers, birds and trees. And for the chance to play hopscotch!

Today I choose to see joy reflected in the miraculous nature God created.

He created it for us to enjoy. God rejoices in our pleasure in his creation the way I rejoiced at the hopscotch a child drew. To bring us joy!

And it made me smile.

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