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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Conquering The Fears In My Dreams

I awoke from my sleep with tears in my eyes and a cry on my lips. It was still dark. It took my brain a few moments to realize it was just a dream, actually a nightmare. In the dream, one moment of distraction led to a horrific family tragedy. Fortunately, I awoke before the extent of the tragedy became evident.

I thanked God the dream wasn’t real, but I still felt heaviness and sorrow when I woke. Guilt and shame overwhelmed me, even though I knew my thoughts were just a dream. The grip of fear was so real!

Sometimes the fears that lurk in my mind during the day only come to life while I sleep. In the darkness of the night, anxious thoughts can fill me with fears of ‘what if’. My imaginary worry and dread can leave me crying and feeling hopeless.

How often does our mind follow the rabbit trail of our fears as we lie awake in the dark? In the murky space between awake and sleep when our minds are unguarded, our imaginations can take flight and chase us down the winding paths of our darkest fears.

One bible verse I learned early in my days as a new Christian has become a ‘life verse’ for me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

It will be healing to your flesh[navel] and refreshment[medicine] to your bones. Proverbs 3:5-8 ESV

When we trust in the Lord, we put our future in His hands and we can rest without worry, knowing He is in control and will guide us. When we are wise in our own eyes, we often go our own way without the wisdom of the Father. The best promise comes as we fear the Lord, turn from evil and trust Him. Then He will give us healing and refreshment in our body. The amplified version includes “your marrow, nerves, sinew, muscles, all your inner parts”. This includes our minds.

Jesus longs to give us an abundant life, including a healthy body and mind. When we allow our fears and worries to overtake our thinking we allow the enemy to run unchecked through our whole system. However, when we trust God to be our anchor, His Spirit will fill us with peace.

When I am gripped in fear, anxiety, or dread I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and recite this verse. Knowing I can trust God, acknowledge Him, and give Him my worries and fears.

When we trust Him, our body and mind will be refreshed. Our hope is in the promises of God.

He is in control, even in our dreams.


What is one fear you have that you can place into God’s hands today and trust Him to conquer?


Heavenly Father: Thank you for loving me. Help me to trust you and follow your ways. Help me turn all my thoughts to you and trust in your healing of my body and mind. Guard my mind as I hand my anxiety and worry over to you. I know you are the author and protector of my life and my help in times of distress. As I shift my thoughts towards you, let the Holy Spirit fill me with peace knowing that you Lord, are in control.

Note: Originally published August 2023 in the E-Book: Pockets of Peace: 21 days of scripture to help focus your mind and calm your heart by

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