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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Did you know God sings over you?

Ah, the scent of a newborn baby! My niece recently had a baby boy and I love to nuzzle in close, breathe in the new baby's smell and whisper a blessing over him. Who can resist the baby scent and the peaceful slumber of a newborn baby?

When my babies were born I loved to rock them and sing over them. I was just comforted by holding their little bodies close to mine. Even as my children grew I would often sing them to sleep or rock them and sing over them when they needed a cuddle. Often my songs were hymns or choruses of scripture. Those words would sing a prayer of blessing over them while they slept. Even if I was just humming a tune with no words my spirit would know the words and the psalms of praise would reach to heaven on behalf of my children.

Did you know God sings over you?

Like our earthly parents, he delights in us and rejoices in us with singing!

“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17

God our father not only sings over us as his babes, but he also delights in us! Yes, he delights in you! He loves you, takes pride in you and wants to have a relationship with you! Just as we like to have relationships with our children.

Watching our children play, learn and grow we delight in watching their progress. We show off their photos and their accomplishments to anyone who will listen. With social media, it’s so easy to share candid shots from our everyday lives with pride in our children as we delight in them.

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” Matthew 7:11

As God’s children, he delights in us! Imagine! The God of the universe, who made the heavens and the stars, who created the mountains, oceans, and land, who created everything living thing that has breath, delights in us as his children.

How many of you also enjoy the soft, scented cuddles of a newborn babe?

Or sing softly over a sleeping toddler worn out from a day of play?

Whisper thankful prayers of blessing and protection over your kiddies?

Today, turn your thoughts and intentions to the God who loves you and delights over you. Rest secure in the knowledge that he loves you and has his best plan for you. Rejoice in his singing over you today and be blessed!

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To You My Daughter
To You My Daughter
Jul 20, 2022

This is a great read! It's one of my favorite verses! To know that God rejoices in me and takes pleasure in me and all because of Jesus!

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