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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Give Hope to Your Exhausted Soul

The alarm clock rings. You slowly open your eyes and struggle to think of what day it is. The list of things to be done comes flooding into your mind. There is so much to do, and you’re already tired. You are tired. So tired. Think fast. Do you hit the snooze button or get up now? As you throw back the covers, put your feet on the floor, you drag yourself from the bed. Another day has begun.

Does this sound familiar? Are you living life exhausted? So tired that even a night of sleep doesn’t shake the fatigue from your bones? I know I’ve been there, too. Days when the never-ending cycle of work, caring for my family, appointments, and daily chores threatened to overwhelm me.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name's sake.” Psalm 23: 1-3 (ESV)

God promises rest for the weary soul. But how do we incorporate rest into our daily lives when each day is already so full? What does it look like for God to give us the rest we need each day? What can we do to feel restored?

“Lord, give me strength” is sometimes the cry of my heart. When I recognize I can’t do this life on my own merit, I can draw from the supernatural strength of God through my faith in Jesus Christ.

Even when my morning is already full of tasks to do, I seem to be behind in my schedule already, I try to stop briefly to pray and ask God to fill me with His strength, His peace, and His guidance for the day. Sometimes it is simply remembering to praise and be thankful.

“I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us - yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.” Is 63:7 (NIV)

Stop a moment. Close your eyes. Take a deep cleansing breath. Release the tension in your shoulders. Thank God for all the good things in your life. Be thankful for food and water, for health, for the promise of a new day, for family and friends. Then smile. Yes, smile.

Put on praise music to lift your soul. Sing a song of thanksgiving and praise to God for who He is and His love for you. Yes, you. God loves you very much and wants to lift the weight from your shoulders if you’ll give it to Him.

Will these actions change the schedule of your hectic day? Or change the endless list of things to do? Probably not. But with peace in your mind and joy in your heart, you can face the day with a fresh attitude and a spring in your step that defies the fatigue and gives hope to your exhausted soul.

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