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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Have you ever been rejected?

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

Have you ever had your feelings hurt? Felt rejected? Offended by a remark or comment? Missed an invitation? You supported your friend’s business, but then she chose someone else over you? Not chosen for the team? Been told you’re ugly, or worthless? Overlooked for a promotion? Experienced past abuse? Supported a friend who then did not support you?

Recently, I had my feelings hurt…..I know, I know, it doesn’t sound very mature, does it? Sometimes I wonder when I’ll ‘grow up’ and stop being hurt by little things…

First of all I was angry “How could she!?” Then the anger turned to hurt. “I can’t believe she did that!” Then I started rehearsing retorts and replies (which I fortunately never sent!). The next thing I knew, I was in tears…over something really silly! I feel silly even talking about it now…..but in the moment I felt rejected, hurt, and offended.…..The grief I was feeling wasn't proportionate to the slight of the current situation. Instead it had triggered past feelings of hurt and rejection in my life.

Jesus understands rejection. He has been there and knows your pain - slight or huge. He was rejected by the people of Nazareth who knew him growing up. He was rejected by the Jewish community elders who accused him of being a heretic. He was rejected by the crowds with Pilate and the Roman soldiers. And during the crucifixion he was rejected by God as he bore the sins of the world on his shoulders and died. For over 2,000 years Jesus has been rejected by many - even you and I……

So, after a few moments of feeling sorry for myself, I asked God to forgive me, to heal my heart, and help me to forgive…..she probably doesn’t even know she hurt my feelings! If I had acted on my own feelings my reaction would have made the situation worse. Matthew 6:14 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

Thank you Lord for helping me past the hurt towards healing. Maybe I’m growing up a little bit after all.

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