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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Summer Senses....

"Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." Song of Solomon 2:12

Feeling the warm sunshine; hearing the bees buzzing lazily through the garden flowers; the sound of birds chirping in the early morning dawn; the sweet smell of freshly mown grass; the sight of bright daisies and brown eyed susans blowing on the soft, warm wind.

Seeing the clear, navy blue-black of a starry night; hearing the distant sound of train whistles; seeing the bright, orange, dancing flames of a bonfire; smelling sweet golden roasting marshmallows; laughing at the sheer joy of the warm summer night outside our heavy canvas tent.

Feeling the cool summer rain falling with a gentle breeze; seeing the bright green colour of the wet, dewy grass; the smell of wet earth thirstily drinking in the nourishing moisture; hearing the distant thunder as full, dark clouds rumble overhead.

Feeling warm, gritty, sand between my tender barefoot toes; feeling the cool lake water lapping at my sun warmed ankles; seeing the bright, reflective waves traveling up my body as I slowly walk deeper and deeper into the lake; Relishing the refreshing coolness that brings relief from the sweltering, humid heat; hearing the muffled sounds of a busy, summer beach as I plunge my head under water.

Country fairs with tilt-a-whirls and cotton candy, parades of tractors and old cars. The loud ringing bells of the midway games combined with the laughter and groans of the winners and losers. The bright lights of the fair below seen from the top of the ferris wheel which threatens to tip and dump us into the crowds below. Tasting the corndogs, fruit pies, candies all the more flavourful for being at the fair. The winning cows watching us walk by while they lazily chew their cud and look bored with the ribbons on their halters.

Long, lazy days catching grasshoppers and gathering raspberries in the field. Feeling the long grass as it tickles our bare legs wading through the field; hearing the loud hum of cicadas in our ears as the long, hot, dry afternoon stretches before us; eager to fly a kite if the breeze breaks the heavy, stifling air around us.

Tasting the cool, sweet watermelon, the juice dripping down our chins while we spit the seeds and laugh at the contest. Crunching warm, buttery corn on the cob as the sweet yellow kernels pop in our mouths. Smelling the charred hot dogs sizzling on the barbecue grill in eager, hungry anticipation.

Skinned knees from my bicycle falling; dirty hands from digging in the garden while pulling weeds and rocks; sunburnt noses from playing on the raft at the beach; stubbed toes from running to catch fireflies in the dark.

Drive-in movies from the backseat bench of the old station wagon. Speakers on posts held precariously on the driver's door window - too loud for the driver and not loud enough for everyone else. Playing in the drive-in park in our pyjamas before the movie starts. Greasy popcorn shoved into our mouths as a rare summer treat. Watching the dancing hot dog cartoon at half time. Falling asleep in the car and being carried into bed over the shoulder of my dad.

Sensing summer....

"He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down." Psalm 104:19 (NIV)

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