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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

“The most wonderful time of the year!” Reflections of Christmas Day. Advent week Five.

“Go, tell it on the mountain

Over the hills and everywhere

Go, tell it on the mountain

That Jesus Christ is born.”

Christmas morning! The magic and anticipation of the day dawning with excitement regardless of how old we are!

When I was small, I would tiptoe into the living room, in awe of the dancing Christmas lights on the decorated tree. I would stare with anticipation at the brightly wrapped gifts and stockings waiting to be opened by my brothers and me.

As a parent, I would watch with pleasure as my children experienced the same awe and fascination of a Christmas morning with all its promise and excitement.

As a believer, I celebrate the birth of the one who has made my heart whole and has given me a purpose for living and hope for the future.

The last advent candle is called the "Christ’s candle” and represents light and purity. It is placed in the middle of the wreath and is lit on Christmas Day.

The white symbolizes Christ’s purity and blamelessness. Not surprisingly, the Christ candle represents Christ and the role he plays in the Christmas story. Jesus brought light into the world through his arrival on earth as a baby; God in the flesh.

Christ connects all the Advent candles. Through him, we can have hope, peace, joy, and love. Because of him, we can be a light to others, showing them the true meaning of Christmas.

“But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such thing, there is no law.”Galatians 5:22-23)

Some churches, on Christmas or the Sunday after Christmas, will remove the other candles and leave the Christ candle alone, showing that the old has passed away and the new has come. In other words, the law the Jews followed in the Old Testament and the sinful nature of man, all of it has passed away and Christ has brought the new covenant; a new promise of salvation. It represents the work of Christ in us, our light in the darkness through his birth, life, death, and resurrection. The focus is on this special moment of birth, the moment of transition from prophecy to fulfillment.

As we reflect on this final day of advent, Christmas Day, may your heart be filled with the spirit of Christmas. Jesus is the true reason to celebrate this day. He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies and bridged the gap between us and God. He is our hope, peace, joy, and love when we believe and trust.

“For to us a child is born, to us, a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace.” Isaiah 9:6 NIV

What are you needing in your life today? Love, Joy, Peace, Hope?

As we reflect on the final day of advent, Christmas Day, reach out to God today and ask him to fill you with these Christmas gifts from Jesus.

I pray you will be blessed today and all through the coming year as you believe and trust in the baby, the man, and the saviour known as Jesus.

Merry Christmas!

Join me as we continue our reflections on the advent season,

Christ is the symbolic theme of this fifth and final week - Christmas Day.

Four weeks ago I gave an overview of the history and meaning of advent in our preparation for the Christmas season, the traditional use of the wreath and candles lit each week leading up to Christmas Day.

A time of reflection and rest in a season notoriously wrought with excess, materialism, busyness, and exhaustion.

Week one we reflected on Hope


In week two we reflected on Peace

Week three we reflected on Joy (

Last week we reflected on Love

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