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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Where I'm From....

Updated: Jun 28, 2022

And now....for something completely different (to quote Monty Python! LOL)

I am in a writers workshop and we were given this homework to write a poem based on "Where I'm From by George Ella Lyons).

An interesting assignment...THEN we were challenged to POST it! it is!

Where I'm From - Kathleen Knapp

I am from the endless pots of warm, fragrant tea sitting upon the sunlit kitchen table.

From the colourful, soft crocheted blankets my mother made and the tomato strewn, garlic flavoured kitchen of my father.

I am from the suburbs of small town Canada, just beyond the sidewalks, between the neighbours fences and backyard gardens. I hear the church bells peal a distant, tinny tune on a Sunday morning and the sounds of neighbours voices waft into my bedroom window in the breeze of a starry night.

I can feel the soft, damp earth between my toes, in the grass as I head to the rocky, cool waters of the nearby lake - Whose slapping waves call me to immerse myself in the freedom of the water.

I am from the blue, gauzy curtains and the tall, potted plants from the family home of John and Pat. From the sparkling, bright blue eyes and pale, freckled button nose. From the cheerful, bright, off-key singing of my mother.

I am from the thanksgiving table laden with food and surrounded by family. From fragrant roasted turkey and fluffy, whipped, buttery, garlic mashed potatoes.

From the chance meeting, in a dance hall, of a young nurse and officer during the summer of peace and love. From the warm, cozy, hearth of a small family home.

I am from the moments that came before me, that drew me in, that formed my thoughts. I am from the moments of hopes and tears, joys and fears.

I am from the love of two people, joined in love, despite their pasts, and hopeful of my future.

Kathleen Knapp - March 2022

PS ~ There was SO much wonderful feedback and comments about this poem/piece on my Facebook Group

For those of you who may like to try this for yourself, I thought I would share the website and template used for this exercise.

TRY IT!!! You may just surprise yourself!!!

And....if you're feeling brave enough....share it here in the comments of my FB group for us all to 'see' where YOU are from!

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