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Writer's pictureKathleen Knapp

Why Do We Love Sleeping Babies? Reflections on Psalm 139

“For you created my inmost being” (v13a)

Tiny fingers with minute, faint fingernails

Grasp around my smallest finger, gripping tightly.

A fist so small against my large hand.

Skin so smooth and delicate contrasted by my darkly weathered skin.

“You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (v13b)

Petite toes on pudgy little feet.

Twitching slighting while dreaming.

Where will your little legs take you someday?

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”(v14a)

Soft eyelashes lay long on delicate, chubby cheeks.

So many colours and objects to view in your new world.

What new things did you see today?

“Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (V14b)

Pink bowed lips suckle slightly,

Dreaming of sweet milk.

A crooked smile escapes,

one corner hitched up so gently

With a private joke.

“My frame was not hidden from you”(v15a)

You are special. You are loved.

You are protected in my arms.

As I sing over you in blessing and praise.

Sleep, dream, and grow.

Peaceful. Serene. Trusting. Secure.

“…when I was made in the secret place”(v15b)

Dimpled elbows. Chubby knees.

Tiny belly rising and falling gently with your sleeping breaths.

The simple scent of a newborn babe

Baby powder, milk, and sweetness.

Dream on little one.

“…when I was woven together in the depths of the earth” (v15c)

Soft swirls of hair lightly waft above the brow.

A gentle sigh, so trusting in sleep.

As I cuddle your tiny body close to mine

Resting, encircled in my arms

Safe from the world today.

“Your eyes saw my unformed body;”(v16a)

Tiny ears with gentle curves and miniature lobes

Listen for your momma’s voice.

Hear your name spoken with love.

Delight in the music that surrounds you.

What new sounds did you hear today?

“How amazing are your thoughts concerning me.” (V17)

God delights in you.

You are special.

You are loved.

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book

before one of them came to be.” (V16b)

You were born on purpose, for a purpose,

but for now…

Sweet dreams little one.

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